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Accenture Portal: Communicating in the New Now

2024-03-14 06:31| 来源: 网络整理| 查看: 265

The launch of the refreshed Accenture Portal brought about a huge shift in how Accenture communicates. The company went from pushing communications out by email to creating an always-on approach that pulls people in. With the Accenture Portal, Accenture people have a single, go-to location for information that is regularly refreshed. Global and trending news from across Accenture as well as targeted news from a person’s Accenture organization, country, professional communities and local offices are easy to find. In addition, individuals can read articles on their laptops or mobile devices.

The "alerts and notifications" feature keeps important, action-oriented tasks at the forefront, so time-critical items are not lost in long email in-boxes. Responsibility is now shared with employees being proactive in checking their portal notifications to stay up to date on responsibilities. And, individuals, especially new employees, find the menu of Accenture resources and services helpful in navigating a large organization. Employees also receive regular, email summaries from Good Morning Accenture—providing a recap of the top articles and open actions needing attention.

The keys to the Accenture Portal’s success include a focus on making content consumption for employees easier; meeting Accenture employee needs around finding sites, getting news and keeping up on important to-do’s; designing with accessibility in mind coupled with a strong user experience team; and soliciting feedback to identify useful trends and potential issues.

In addition, the Accenture Portal is reducing email volumes, especially reminder- and notification-type emails, freeing up mailboxes for business and task communications. Global IT along with key stakeholders continue to evolve the Accenture Portal.

The Accenture Portal is now the go-to destination for Accenture news and information:






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